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Podcast on academic activism

In December 2022, I participated in two episodes of the Re_ACT podcast series on Academic Activism, organized by Roskilde University, Université Paris 8 and Web2Learn.

In one of the episodes, I talked about my experiences in the Scientist Rebellion campaign “Unite Against Climate Failure” which took place in Germany in 2022. There, over 100 scientists and academics from across Europe risked arrest and imprisonment in a series of coordinated direct actions in Berlin, Munich and Wolfsburg. The scientists were demanding politicians admit their failure to stay below the global 1.5°C warming limit and cancel the debt owed by countries that have done the least to contribute to the climate emergency, so as to facilitate a sustainable transition. We also demanded an urgent decarbonisation of the transport sector, making public transport affordable to all.

In the other episode, I talked more broadly about the movement Scientist Rebellion and what were my personal motivations for becoming involved in academic activism: